Retirement planning often conjures images of spreadsheets, savings accounts, and investment strategies. While these financial elements are crucial, at Wealth Dimensions, we believe in a more comprehensive approach. Our holistic planning process is designed to align your financial goals with your vision, values, and aspirations for retirement.

In this spirit, we delve into an area that, though sometimes overlooked, is equally vital for a secure and fulfilling retirement: mental preparation.

The Often-Overlooked Aspect of Retirement Planning
Financial planning is undoubtedly a cornerstone of retirement readiness, but it’s only part of the equation. The emotional, psychological, and social aspects of transitioning into retirement deserve just as much attention. To explore this further, we invited Keith Lawrence, a certified retirement coach and co-author of “Your Retirement Quest,” to share his insights on the importance of mental preparation for retirement.

Uncovering Myths About Retirement
Keith points out that in the United States today, 10,000 people retire every day, yet only half of them will experience a fulfilling retirement. This is largely due to myths that hinder proper preparation, especially on the mental and emotional fronts. These myths include the belief that retirement will be easy, that planning can be deferred until after retirement, and that happiness in retirement is solely dependent on financial wealth.

The Power of Holistic Planning
To counter these challenges, Keith emphasizes the importance of holistic planning, which encompasses both financial and non-financial aspects of retirement. This includes:

Engaging a Trusted Financial Advisor: Partner with a fiduciary like Wealth Dimensions to develop an integrated financial plan that aligns with your personal goals and values.

Envisioning Your Retirement Life: Before transitioning into retirement, spend time envisioning what you want your life to look like. Consider the activities you wish to pursue, the lifestyle you aspire to lead, and how you will spend your day-to-day.

Aligning with Significant Others: Openly discuss your retirement plans with your partner or significant others to ensure alignment and avoid potential conflicts.

Practicing Retirement: Experiment with aspects of your envisioned retirement lifestyle while still working, such as taking up new hobbies or volunteering, to better prepare for the transition.

Beyond Financial Wealth
A fulfilling retirement is not solely the product of financial planning. It requires a deep discovery of one’s values, aspirations, and vision for the future. By addressing both financial and non-financial considerations, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and enjoy a more rewarding retirement.

At Wealth Dimensions, these are the kinds of conversations that often take place in our discovery meetings with clients that help them carve out and dream up what their vision should be. We are committed to guiding our clients through this holistic planning process. By integrating financial strategies with personal aspirations, we help our clients achieve a retirement that is not just financially secure but also rich in purpose and fulfillment.

With the right planning and support, your retirement can be one of the most rewarding chapters of your life.

For informational purposes only. Not intended as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security or strategy. Information prepared from third-party sources is believed to be reliable though its accuracy is not guaranteed. Opinions expressed in this commentary reflect subjective judgments of the author based on conditions at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice. For more information about Wealth Dimensions, including our Form ADV Part 2A Brochure, please visit or contact us at 513-554-6000. Please be advised that this material is not intended as legal or tax advice. Accordingly, any tax information provided in this material is not intended and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer.